Design and Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Diaphragms: Session 2

This webinar presents the general modeling and analysis requirements for diaphragms given in ACI 318-14. Information is given on how to determine whether a diaphragm is rigid, semirigid, or flexible. Also covered is horizontal distribution of lateral forces to the vertical elements of the lateral force-resisting system (LFRS), including methods on how to determine the center of rigidity of a system and approximate in-plane stiffnesses walls and frames. Equivalent beam models are covered in detail, with in-depth information provided on how to determine in-plane forces in diaphragms and collectors. Included is a design method for collectors that are wider than the vertical elements of the LFRS that they frame in to.

Session 2: Diaphragm Modeling and Analysis; Live Webinar

This webinar/session equal to .1 CEU/1.0 PDH


This presentation compliments the publication Design and Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Diaphragms available in the CRSI webstore.